Career Development

career development planning

One of the most challenging and rewarding steps a person can take during the life goal setting process is coming up with a career development plan. A career development plan is the road map to help you achieve your dream career. It is made up of short and long-term goals that take into account your strengths, your experiences, and your interests.

Typically, career development plans are a corporate/organizational culture and performance management tool. They help employees and employers design a mutually beneficial plan for professional growth.

Nevertheless, based on our own experience, we believe that career development planning needs to happen on the front end of the job search. We can help you craft and stick to your career development with the following services:

A career development plan is your professional strategic plan. It a tool to perform an ongoing S.W.O.T. (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis on yourself vis-à-vis potential career opportunities and your dream job. It will help you ensure that you are prepared for and that your job prospects support your career goals.

Once employed, you will have an ongoing sense of how your ambitions align with and complement those of your employer. You will benefit from your career development plan as you navigate organizational hierarchies and choose new employment prospects.

Schedule a 30 minutee meeting today and discover which of our services works for you.